Why I need a Flash Player
Internet is booming and now is not just a source of information and the source of multimedia content – videos, games, dynamic content Web sites.Many services and applications on the web are interactive and understandable due to the development of technology and the format of Macromedia Flash.
For example, a tag cloud on this website (bottom right-hand navigation column) works by using technology Flash.
Flash Player is a programa that allows your browser to properly display the magnificence of color and video games, varying depending on your content pages of conduct.
Usually when you first visit a page with Flash-animation itself determines what browser you need to download Flash Player and will do it automatically.
However, if for any reason the flash movies do not play, you must download and install their own player.
To download the latest version of Flash Player, go to the official website of the program: http://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer , save the program on your computer and run it:
1.Checkbox in front of the item “I have received and read the license agreement”
2.Click on “Install” button
3.If necessary, restart your computer and enjoy multimedia content on the Internet.